
Reviews by participants

ISS Facility Services Spol. s.r.o.

Zuzana Nagyová | Category Manager
What is your overall recommendation of the HE mouse?
Very dissatisfied | Dissatisfied | Satisfied | Very satisfied

“The R-Go HE mouse helped reduce the symptoms in my arm and hand”
– Zuzana Nagyová, employee ISS Facility Services Spol. s.r.o.

Eurofins Bel/Novamann s.r.o.

Hurakova Ingrid | Administrative Assistant
What is your overall recommendation of the HE mouse?
Very dissatisfied | Dissatisfied | Satisfied |  Very satisfied

“I would recommend the R-Go HE mouse to others.”
– Hurakova Ingrid, employee Eurofins Bel/Novamann s.r.o.

Aptar Čkyně s.r.o.

Markéta Sládková | Vedoucí oddělení nákupu
What is your overall recommendation of the HE mouse?
Very dissatisfied | Dissatisfied |  Satisfied | Very satisfied

“I didn’t have to get used to it. It worked well.”
– Markéta Sládková, employee Aptar Čkyně

Robert Bosch spol, s r.o.

Lančaričová | FCM
What is your overall recommendation of the HE mouse?
Very dissatisfied | Dissatisfied | Satisfied |  Very satisfied

“The R-Go HE mouse helped reduce the symptoms in my arm and hand.”
– Lančaričová, employee Robert Bosch spol, s r.o.

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